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Louis H�mon est n� le 12 octobre 1880 � Brest. En 1912, Louis H�mon part pour le Canada. Il perd la vie le 8 juillet 1913 en se faisant renverser par une locomotive � Chapleau. Inhumer au cimeti�re municipal de Chapleau.

Louis Hémon was born in Brest on the 12th of October 1880. He came to Canada in 1912. He lies buried at Chapleau near which he was run down and killed by a train on the 8th of July, 1913.

Les illustrations couleurs du roman Maria Chapdelaine, peindre par artiste Clarence Gagnon, sont maintenant dans le collection d'art Canadien de McMichael.

The colour illustartions to the novel Maria Chapdelaine, painted by Clarence Gagnon, are now in the McMichael Canadian Art Collection.

slideshowicon (5K) In 1937 Louis Hémon's sister visited Chapleau to attend the dedication of the Louis Hémon memorial at the C.P.R. station.

These photos where taken by T.R. Serre and donated to the Chapleau Library by his son Patrick Serre.